🤖Staking Protocols(How to stake)

The staking is done through the "Staking" dashboard, with a seamless user interface and workflow, so anyone without any technical knowledge can easily navigate and stake their $BTCBAM, start to earn token rewards, and see the financial projections of their reward distributions and leadership board all organised in a single page.

Here is the step by step journey for staking your $BTCBAM token

  • At our website, click on the staking menu on the Navbar or simply go to stake.btcbam.com

  • Connect your Web 3 Wallet (Metamask,Trustwallet,Coinbase wallet,Ledge and etcetera).

  • Your available balance of $BTCBAM token amount will appear on the dashboard.

  • Choose the number of token you want to stake.

  • Choose the desired period of time you want your staked token locked.

  • Summit transaction.

  • Approve and confirm the transaction in your connected wallet.

  • Once transaction is complete, see a popup in your dashboard displaying your current $BTCBAM tokens that are staked.

Last updated